Updated: 10.05.2024
NOK 1 440,00
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NOK 1 440,00
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FIRE PROTECTION during hot work

4h 0m
What you will learn
1. Introduksjonsmodul 2020
2. Chapter 2 in the textbook
3. Laws and regulations 2022
4. Insurance companies' safety regulations 2022
5. The certification scheme 2022
6. Awareness raising responsibility 2022
7. Chapter 3 in the textbook
8. Fire theory. What does it take to start a fire? 2022
9. Combustion 2022
10. How fire spread 2022
11. Firebreaks 2022
12. Chapter 4
13. Extinguishing fire 2022
14. Fire hose as fire extinguisher 2022
15. Hand extinguishers 2022
16. Control of extinguishing agents 2022
17. First aid burns 2022
18. Chapter 5
19. Håndtering og transport av gassflasker
20. Propane
21. Use of oxygen 2022
22. Acetylene 2022
23. Hot work and risk 2022
24. Roofing 2022
25. Tanks and containers 2022
26. Chapter 6 and 7
27. New workplace 2022
28. Work instructions for the performance of hot work 2022
29. Risk assessment and fire preparedness 2022
30. Reduce the risk of fire when performing the work 2022
31. Work instructions, after work has been performed 2022
32. Chapter 8
33. If a fire occurs 2022
34. Chapter 9
35. After an accident (fire) 2022
36. Summary 2022
37. An example of a job 2022
38. Summary 2022
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